45 results
UK Statistics Authority Inclusive Data Consultation
ONS is undertaking a review of how inclusive data and evidence are across the UK. This is in keeping with our new strategy, Statistics for the Public Good, and will help to support the work of the Inclusive Data Taskforce . Ultimately, we want to ensure that “…our statistics, [analysis and publications] reflect the experiences of everyone in our society so that everyone counts, and is counted, and no one is forgotten.” (Statistics for the Public Good, 2020). ... MoreOpened 5 January 2021 -
Consultation on the Health Index (Beta release)
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is looking for feedback to support the development of a composite Health Index. The proposal for a Health Index was made in the 2018 annual report of the government’s then Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Dame Sally Davies, entitled Health 2040 – Better Health Within Reach . The report stated: “We need to track progress in improving health and health outcomes, to and beyond 2040 with a new composite Health... MoreOpened 3 December 2020 -
ONS Census 2021 Output Geography Policy, products and services
As Census 2021 is approaching, ONS is finalising plans for the dissemination of Census statistics and have a proposed Census geography policy. This geography policy focusses largely on our plans for maintaining small area geographies - Output Areas, Lower Layer Super Output Areas, and Middle Layer Super Output Areas. We are also setting out plans for producing geography products and services. We would like to give census users an opportunity to comment on our plans through this... MoreOpened 5 November 2020 -
Statistics User Network Survey
The Office for National Statistics is looking to improve the content, organisation and experience of Statistics User Network (SUN). MoreOpened 20 October 2020 -
Website Task and Finish Group Survey
We want to assess the potential barriers experienced by users when searching for Census 2021 information on the ONS website. MoreOpened 19 October 2020 -
People Survey Action Plan - Update Survey
ONS People Survey - Action Plan Tracking MoreOpened 7 July 2020 -
ONS Approved Researcher Survey
To help us further develop and improve your access to ONS research data and the products and services we provide to support it, we would welcome your feedback. All the questions in this survey relate to the Approved researcher scheme and your access to research data through the scheme. MoreOpened 27 February 2018 -
User need for: Estimates of the population in marriages between same-sex couples.
This consulation is to assess the user need for estimates of the population who are in a marriage between same-sex couples, specifically whether separate estimates from the total married population are required for analysis. MoreOpened 3 October 2017 -
Services Producer Price Index (SPPI) Coverage Review
As part of the Office for National Statistics commitment to improve the manner in which we measure and understand the activity within the UK service sector, we are looking to improve the way we construct data within our Services Producer Price Index (SPPI). Our aim is to gain a better understanding of price discrimination for export of services and how prices could be affected by exchange rates. To do this, we would like to hear the views of experts in this field. All... MoreOpened 31 August 2017 -
ONS-Defra Natural Capital Accounting Questionnaire
This 5 to 10 minute survey is to obtain stakeholder feedback on the ONS-Defra Natural Accounting Project. The results of this survey will help guide future decision making and outputs. MoreOpened 25 July 2017 -
Proposed changes to ONS Birth Statistics
We are planning to change the way in which birth statistics for England and Wales are published from 2017 data year onwards. The first births release containing 2017 data is planned for July or August 2018. We plan to make explorable datasets for live births available in NOMIS . These will provide detailed birth statistics and some historic data for comparison. We currently use this approach for marriage, divorce and mortality statistics . We intend to make four explorable... MoreOpened 19 July 2017 -
Sub-national service exports methodology and initial results
Services are the majority of economic output in the UK, and exports of services have been increasing in recent years. There has been growing demand for more detailed estimates of UK trade data, particularly for sub-national breakdowns. As part of the UK trade development plan , and the Supporting Devolution programme , the Office for National Statistics carried out experimental analysis analysing sub-national trade. In July 2016, we published the first estimated values of service... MoreOpened 13 July 2017 -
Services Producer Price Index (SPPI) Coverage Review
As part of the Office for National Statistics commitment to improve the manner in which we measure and understand the activity within the UK service sector, we are looking to improve the way we construct data on the Air Transport industry within our Services Producer Price Index (SPPI). Our aim is to gain a better understanding of how the sector operates. To do this, we would like to hear the views of experts in this industry. All information provided on this... MoreOpened 30 June 2017 -
Estimating the number of rooms and bedrooms in the 2021 Census: An alternative approach using Valuation Office Agency (VOA) data
This consultation gives you the opportunity to respond to the ' Estimating the number of rooms and bedrooms in the 2021 Census: An alternative approach using Valuation Office Agency data ' publication. This followed a commitment made in the 2021 Census topic consultation , where it was decided it was not appropriate to continue to ask two questions designed to meet a single information need. In response, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) is exploring the use of administrative... MoreOpened 28 June 2017 -
Review of ONS priorities
We have always sought feedback on our performance, but we understand that it hasn't always been clear how this information has been acted on. This year, we are using your feedback to directly inform our business planning, to ensure we can demonstrate how what you tell us influences our priorities and future direction. We want to understand where we are meeting your needs, and where there are gaps in our products and services which we should consider. This is a part of our ongoing dialogue with... MoreOpened 2 February 2017
45 results.
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